Tax News

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Sales Tax Update – March 2024

Michael T Dillon, Dillon Tax Consulting LLC

On March 11, 2024, Delegate David Moon (D) introduced H.B. 1515 to the House Ways and Means Committee of the Maryland General Assembly, through which he proposed to broadly expand the sales tax base to cover many services, while reducing the sales tax rate from 6% to 5%.  Delegate Moon proposed that expanding the sales and use tax to include services could result in a total revenue increase of approximately $1.4 billion in fiscal 2025 and $4.2 billion in fiscal 2029. This would significantly offset any rate reduction, resulting is significant increases to the State’s General ...

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Sales Tax Audits

Dillon Tax Consulting


It’s no secret that states are running the most significant budget shortfalls in the Post-WWII era. As a remedy, they can either raise tax rates, increase the base, add more taxes, or heighten enforcement. Clearly the most pragmatic thing, and least politically problematic thing to do is heighten enforcement. And the ...

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