Tax News

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Sales Tax Update – March 2024

Michael T Dillon, Dillon Tax Consulting LLC

On March 11, 2024, Delegate David Moon (D) introduced H.B. 1515 to the House Ways and Means Committee of the Maryland General Assembly, through which he proposed to broadly expand the sales tax base to cover many services, while reducing the sales tax rate from 6% to 5%.  Delegate Moon proposed that expanding the sales and use tax to include services could result in a total revenue increase of approximately $1.4 billion in fiscal 2025 and $4.2 billion in fiscal 2029. This would significantly offset any rate reduction, resulting is significant increases to the State’s General ...

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Nexus Surveys

Sales Tax Update – March 2024

Michael T Dillon, Dillon Tax Consulting LLC

On March 11, 2024, Delegate David Moon (D) introduced H.B. 1515 to the House Ways and Means Committee of the Maryland General Assembly, through which he proposed to broadly expand the sales tax base to cover many services, while reducing the sales tax rate from 6% to 5%.  Delegate Moon proposed that expanding the ...

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Sales Tax Update – December 2023

Michael T Dillon, Dillon Tax Consulting LLC

Online commerce provides the ideal environment for wholesale transactions and drop-shipments.  You can literally have no employees or inventory – just a website and you are in business.  BUT – if you are the wholesaler, every sale you make is considered a retail transaction by taxing authorities, and is subject to applicable sales tax, unless and until ...

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2022 – the Year of the Sales Tax Audit

Michael T Dillon, Dillon Tax Consulting LLC

2022 is expected to bring heightened enforcement and increased sales tax audit activity for remote sellers.  Charles Maniace, a vice president at the tax software firm Sovos, states that “States are now truly ready to [start] being fairly aggressive in their enforcement against existing online sellers.”  [Forbes, Sales Taxes in 2022 – Issues to Watch for ...

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2021 Sales Tax Highlights and Advice for 2022

Michael T Dillon, Dillon Tax Consulting LLC

As 2021 comes to an end, lets recap a few important sales tax changes and offer insight into what taxpayers can expect for 2022:

  • Economic Nexus – As of July 2021, two states, Florida and Kansas, have sales tax economic nexus. While both measures impose a safe harbor threshold of $100,000 in annual sales, below ...

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MTC Announces Voluntary Amnesty Initiative for Online Marketplace Sellers

Dillon Tax Consulting

The Multistate Tax Commission (MTC) has just announced a special tax amnesty program for unregistered online marketplace sellers that have established nexus and historical exposure as a result of storing inventory in third-party fulfillment centers that facilitate retail sales into the state (e.g., Amazon FBA program). Under the program, eligible taxpayers may obtain amnesty ...

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Does the Sales Tax Nexus “Physical Presence” Standard Exist?

Dillon Tax Consulting

U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Review Florida Sales Tax Imposed on Out of State Inventory Delivered to Out of State Customers

In yet another blow for taxpayers, the U.S. Supreme Court has denied a taxpayer's request to review the Florida Supreme Court's decision upholding Florida sales and use tax on Internet ...

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States Are Looking for Unregistered / Unpaid Sales Tax . . . Are You at Risk?

Dillon Tax Consulting

With New Years Day comes New Years Resolutions, some of which we keep, some of which we don’t, and some of which we fail to make because we aren’t even aware that one is needed. The same holds true for your business. Often times, “We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know ...

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Sales Tax on Cloud-computing: Rulings Also Mean More Uncertainty and Unpredictability

Dillon Tax Consulting

A number of sales tax decisions in Tennessee, Indiana and Illinois serve to remind us all of the uncertainty involving cloud computing transactions, and the importance to seek guidance from tax practitioners regarding your specific facts. While each taxpayers’ facts involved the access to and/or provision of cloud-based services, the transactions for each were ...

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Florida Sales Tax Case Presents Opportunity for Supreme Court to Revisit the Quill Nexus Standard

Dillon Tax Consulting

In a petition filed with the Supreme Court of the United States on October 24, 2016, American Business USA Corporation (American Business) seeks a writ of certiori to review the judgment of the Supreme Court of Florida. [American Business USA Corp. v. Florida Department of Revenue, U.S. Supreme Court, Dkt. 16-567, petition for certiorari ...

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Texas Court says the “Essence of Transaction” involving a Provider’s technology platform is not “Data Processing”

Dillon Tax Consulting

In a decision involving the true object, or “essence of the transaction” test, the Texas court of appeals upheld the trial court’s decision in favor of the taxpayer refund claim for sales tax assessed on the provision of bill pay services. In Hegar v. CheckFree Services Corporation, NO. 14-15-00027-CV (Tex. Ct. App., April 19 ...

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Cloud-based Services: “The Wild West” and the Cavalry

Dillon Tax Consulting

The New York Department of Taxation and Finance (Department) recently issued an Advisory Opinion providing their interpretation of yet another Taxpayer's provision of Software As a Service (SAaS). In TSB-A-15(36)S, Taxpayer sought an Advisory Opinion from the Office of Counsel for the Department, as to the application of New York sales tax ...

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“What’s A Remote Seller To Do?” you ask. “Register and Collect,” states say.

Dillon Tax Consulting

Ohio is the most recent of states to have enacted a click-through nexus provision. To date, 24 other states have adopted (by statute or otherwise) some form of either an affiliate nexus or a click-through nexus provision.

Under an affiliate nexus provision, a rebuttable presumption of nexus is typically established for an out-of-state seller that ...

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The Quill ‘Physical Presence’ Standard – A “Perfect Storm” Brewing

Dillon Tax Consulting

Ever since, and even before, the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 1992 decision in Quill Corp. v. North Dakota, in which it affirmed the Commerce Clause ‘physical presence’ standard for sales tax nexus, Congress has continually grappled with the increasing sales tax revenue shortfalls and perceived unfair advantage that online and mail-order retailers have ...

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Try, Try Again ... Illinois Imposes a New and “Improved?” Affiliate Nexus Law

Dillon Tax Consulting

Effective January 1, 2015, out-of-state retailers are once again presumed to have sales tax nexus in Illinois if they satisfy the following criteria:

  • the out-of-state retailer has a contract with a person in Illinois;
  • under the contract, the person in Illinois refers potential customers to the retailer and the retailer pays to the person in ...
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Will Net Neutrality Cost American Consumers More in Taxes?

Dillon Tax Consulting

Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. There has been extensive debate about whether "Net neutrality" should be required by law. Proponents of "Net ...

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South Carolina's Expansive Treatment of Cloud Computing Services as Taxable Communications

Dillon Tax Consulting

As states continue to wrestle to define tax policy for the services that comprise the expanding world of cloud computing, South Carolina has again asserted its expansive approach for taxing anything that resembles communications services, including charges for Software As a Service (SAaS) or Platform As a Service (PAaS). [Private Letter Ruling #14-4, South Carolina ...

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An Interview with Bloomberg BNA: Will the Internet Tax Freedom Act Prohibit States From Taxing the 'Internet of Things'?

Dillon Tax Consulting

Telematics services, or the "Internet of Things", require Internet access and Internet related services in order to be provided. The Internet Tax Freedom Act dictates that in most instances, "Internet access" shall be exempt from sales tax. It remains to be seen how states will define telematics and seek to apply existing or new sales ...

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Virginia Ignores ITFA and Issues Tax Rulings on Internet Activation and Reactivation Fees

Dillon Tax Consulting

In two recent rulings, Virginia Ruling of the Commissioner PD 14-130 and 14-131 , the Virginia Commissioner ruled that Internet activation and Internet reactivation fees are not exempt under the Internet Tax Freedom Act. Rather they are subject to Virginia's communications sales tax. In Bloomberg BNA's 9/5 /14 Sales Tax Slice blog posting ...

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U.S. Supreme Court Grants Review of Jurisdictional Decision Regarding Colorado Notification Law

Dillon Tax Consulting

On July 1, 2014, the United States Supreme Court granted the petition for writ of certiorari filed by Petitioner Direct Marketing Association (DMA) in a case involving Colorado’s controversial notification law. [Direct Marketing Association v. Brohl, U.S. Supreme Court, Dkt. 13-1032, petition for certiorari granted July 1, 2014] This case stems from Colorado ...

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Seeking What You Need To Hear vs. Seeking What You Want To Hear

Dillon Tax Consulting

Sometimes my job can be quite difficult. I don’t enjoy telling the client that they have nexus, and/or that they have sales tax exposure in a state that they should address as soon as possible. Trust me, I would much rather share the news with a client that everything they are doing is ...

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