E-Commerce Retailer: For online retailer with historical expsure due to nexus, successfully negotiated Voluntary Disclosure Agreements, tax settlements and payment plans for company in 40+ jurisdictions, avoiding over $2.5 Million in Tax ($1.9M), Interest ($100K) and Penalties ($500K), registering company and assisting in implementation of automated sales tax compliance solutions for business.
Manufacturing Wholesaler / Retailer: Successfully negotiated 21 VDAs for 3 foreign-owned US manufacturing subsidiaries in 7 states, limiting lookback period, obtaining and applying applicalbe resale exemptions to over 95% of sales, and abating all penalties, avoiding $10+Million in Tax, Interest and Penalties. Registered company and assisted in implementing automated sales tax compliance and exmeption certificate management solution for business.
E-Commerce Retailers in General: Have represented several dozen Online Retailers and FBA Online Retailers in Voluntary Disclosure Agreements with more than 40 state taxing authorities, including California, Washington, Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, Connecticut and Massachusetts, in negoatiating resolution of historical exposure, penalty abatement, payment plans OR proposective only registration and compliance, avoiding $Millions in potential Tax, Interest and Penalties.
E-Commerce Retailer: For online retailer with in-state historical presence, negotiated Voluntary Disclosure Agreements, tax settlements and payment plans for company in 15 jurisdictions, avoiding over $5.4 Million in Tax ($4.1M), Interest ($300K) and Penalties ($1M), registering company in 12 additional states proposectively, and assisting in implementation of automated sales tax compliance solutions for business.
Cloud-based Service Provider: Avoided more than $2M in historical liability through VDAs, limiting lookback period, abating penalties, negotiating payment terms and registering the Company in several additional states. Ultimately assisted Company to implement sales tax matrix and cloud-based sales tax automation platform.
SAaS Solution Provider: Avoided over $2Million in Tax, Interest and Penalties througn successful completion of VDAs in 20+ states, registering the Company in a dozen more and assisting in the implementation of clou-based sales tax compliance solution.